Thursday, January 24, 2008

ZANLA- Liberation Miniatures 20mm

I painted this group of Liberation miniatures to be ZANLA, they were less uniformed in apperarence then ZIPRA. I did some conversion work, mainly in headgear as I got way to many bare-
headed guys for Christmas.

I painted tennis shoes on some of the guys and tried to give them
a varied dress.


I tried to paint a wind breaker on the guy in the middle.

I sculpted all the hats on the guys to the left.

I sculpted this big floppy denim hat on this guy...hey its the late 70s


The fellow in the cut off shirt was the biggest conversion so far, hat and his upper arms were sculpted. Since ZANLA was heavily supported by the Chinse, I tried to give the other two guys Chinese type hats.

The ZANLA officer I gave a Red Chinese looking hat.

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